what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2001-11-14 - SooToo
2001-11-13 - of Shapish Tupperware...ya know??
2001-11-12 - of Hog-tying and Tacky musicals, and Psychopath
2001-11-11 - Of weekend
2001-11-09 - SuperBitch
2001-11-08 - Fluffy HTML Concert
2001-11-07 - Day Boredom
2001-11-06 - I'm alive, and messed....and I can even kinda play pool
2001-11-05 - Tea Party in a Skirt
2001-11-04 - Sub-zero Toe-ness
2001-11-02 - on today and tomorrow.
2001-11-01 - Yucky me
2001-10-31 - Halloween-ness
2001-10-30 - Weigh Today
2001-10-29 - I could kill....pumpkins.
2001-10-26 - Twister-ness
2001-10-25 - Rant Mum Rant Rant Rant Mum Mum
2001-10-24 - L
2001-10-23 - flying-coolant-childproof-radiator-lid-I-rule
2001-10-21 - Short and Stupid
2001-10-21 - Monopoly Bum Car Wash
2001-10-19 - Large font hot Fudge
2001-10-16 - Wings beneath my Wind
2001-10-15 - Encycopaedic queen of the world HAS a save-on-more shirt
2001-10-13 - The queen of the world wants a Save-On-More shirt