what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2002-12-21 - Presents?
2002-12-17 - Merry Christmas and I have Fun!
2002-12-06 - Fuck this CLOSED thing....LOVE ME!
2002-11-27 - Goodbye!
2002-11-24 - I hate my Job.
2002-11-17 - Firey Bush Flaming!
2002-11-15 - Let's All Whine About Work!
2002-11-13 - Once More, With Feeling!
2002-11-08 - damn lot of work next week
2002-11-06 - P'Quee!
2002-11-05 - I don't Know Why I call him Gerald (totally irrelevant title)
2002-11-03 - Boredom?
2002-10-31 - So Cool
2002-10-31 - Pumpkin hair Gel
2002-10-29 - Chazaaaaaaaaah!
2002-10-23 - Of Ramblingness
2002-10-20 - Oh the Fun
2002-10-17 - Loki
2002-10-17 - Guessing Games!
2002-10-17 - To Ayrton
2002-10-16 - Thank You Scott
2002-10-14 - My First Turkey
2002-10-09 - TV Rantings!
2002-10-06 - mwahahahahahahaha
2002-10-03 - oooooobielife!!!! oifnioe!!!