what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2001-03-17 - Aim for the skip blur!
2001-03-15 - MUAHAHAHA and other stuff of possibly related( but most likely not) topics
2001-03-13 - Sailor Fish
2001-03-09 - Filming
2001-03-07 - Cheese Jim
2001-03-05 - honestly, todays NOT monday....its TUESDAY!! WHO CARES WHAT THE CALENDAR SAYS!!!
2001-03-01 - Squidjem
2001-02-27 - Answer Me!!! I just did, Mr Stupid arse!
2001-02-22 - musical obsessions
2001-02-20 - happiness is a state of books and bowling
2001-02-14 - I am not madly in love with Psychopath.
2001-02-12 - Hairy hallucinations, and Pikachu
2001-02-06 - What is going on? The world in trouble and a timewarp
2001-02-02 - whine
2001-01-26 - waiting and hotness
2001-01-25 - The Cabbage Revolution and Fish business.
2001-01-23 - house and crushes and yes
2001-01-19 - an entry...indeed
2001-01-15 - HI MUM!
2001-01-02 - stuff of new year and bother
2000-12-28 - pans
2000-12-22 - mally wonderness
2000-12-20 - first entry...theory of diaryness