what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2001-10-12 - Happiness and bad jokes
2001-10-10 - I'm a Telephone
2001-10-09 - I want to make Eyeballs
2001-10-08 - The Things that Make Me Happiest
2001-10-04 - Letter War
2001-10-03 - NO CRAZYGIRL AT GRAD!
2001-10-02 - Misery .... Fish, pleasse don't sing it.
2001-09-30 - Snow White
2001-09-27 - I want to be Captain Planet, Mr Spock!
2001-09-26 - Beautifly dull Tomorrow
2001-09-25 - Happy Happy of Today
2001-09-23 - Don't wear pop
2001-09-22 - Baggie of Shrimp
2001-09-20 - I like it.
2001-09-19 - tell me what you think.
2001-09-19 - the day of meh.
2001-09-17 - Longish Entry
2001-09-14 - By orders of Mouse
2001-09-11 - MugaMuga the Californian Slug God (or, On the Terrorism)
2001-09-09 - on random
2001-09-06 - Drumness.
2001-09-02 - My diary wants to kill itself
2001-08-31 - On Camping
2001-08-28 - and we'll have fun fun fun...counting Tide samples!
2001-08-26 - I'm sorry, but I'm happy, not upset.