what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2001-07-03 - HAT
2001-07-01 - Happy Canada Day, I'm cheering for Japan
2001-06-30 - talk to people? what a foreign concept
2001-06-30 - 00222222222222222222222222222222222222or so se21z Princess.
2001-06-29 - and the entry is here
2001-06-28 - KITTEN KITTEN cute cute cute
2001-06-28 - oh, the fun of summer
2001-06-27 - Miss Congeniality
2001-06-26 - Penguins go "flapflapflapflap"
2001-06-24 - Insanity is insane
2001-06-20 - applied? for jobs? ME?
2001-06-18 - of this and that and a songuestbook
2001-06-18 - schools out for sUMMER!
2001-06-13 - Psychopath is insane
2001-06-13 - imagination?
2001-06-12 - Me, Crazy? me, not talk? INSANE!!
2001-06-11 - tell you later *growl*
2001-06-08 - math+mum=I need Psychopath.
2001-06-07 - Bored. Bored. Bored.
2001-06-06 - Oppisite ends of the spectrum of my likes
2001-06-04 - On the topic of Today.
2001-06-03 - good weekend, gross keyboard
2001-05-30 - *smiles* *yawns* *smiles*
2001-05-30 - can I focus?...........basically no........
2001-05-28 - I kissed a tree