what's going on 401-425 376-400 351-375 326-350 301-325 276-300 251-275 226-250 201-225 176-200 151-175 126-150 101-125 76-100 51-75 26-50 1-25

2002-05-06 - Fantasy Will Set You Free
2002-05-05 - Stupid People And Their Need To Consume Food
2002-05-02 - Of Rats and Potter
2002-05-01 - My Boring Days
2002-04-28 - And Puff Is Out At First!!
2002-04-26 - Read This
2002-04-25 - Failure
2002-04-25 - Creatureness.
2002-04-22 - Butt Licking Goodness
2002-04-14 - Teeth...or Lack thereof.
2002-04-12 - Kendra died.....freak egg
2002-04-11 - Creatures
2002-04-06 - Harry Potter still Rules
2002-04-04 - oh yeah....random entry.
2002-04-02 - The Outcome
2002-04-01 - Never Fix This
2002-03-26 - Linklinklinktakethequizlinklinklinkclick!
2002-03-23 - bAND tOUR ROCKED!!!!
2002-03-15 - 3 HOURS TO BAND TOUR
2002-03-13 - Today - A Tale Of Terror
2002-03-12 - Dame desu yo cntdwn = 3ish days.
2002-03-10 - Dl-ness. Cntdwn = 5
2002-03-07 - Poetry Project
2002-03-06 - Long Live Stuff
2002-02-26 - Contagious Blood Tests