I think I'm insane.....you? 2005-05-11 - 1:14 a.m.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!! I should be asleep! cuz I work at 630 am.....but when has that ever actually gotten me to go to sleep on time?? NEVAH!! HAHAHAHA!!

so, I'm 21 now. no biggie. now I can go to the states and be legal. meh. I dun go to the states ever, so...not a big deal. However, the big deal is, mum got me a wireless router thingy for my birthday, so now I have internet on MY computer in my BEDROOM, so I don't have to put up with the sucky fucked up downstairs piece of shit anymore!! yaaaaaay!! *dance* aren't we all happy about this? yes! AND!!!! diaryland is running a fix now, and my changes to my links page should go through soon! *dance* and then......I SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
cuz wouldn't this world be so much better if I ran it? whats that you say? no? crazy people. you all should be destroyed.

I have dairy free milk and ice cream...and I don't even need to be dairy free....in fact, I eat so much cheese, that dairy freeing my milk and ice cream just seems silly.....but then, I've always been a silly person.

we were re-ops reviewed at work today. luckily, I was not there *dance dance* we got 88%, apparently. this is a good thing. very good. it means no jobs are byebye. which is a very very good thing. cuz mine was one of the ones on the line ^-^ and though I'm basically ignored by the company and thusly hate it with a passion, I like my actual job and don't want to have to find a new one.

okay. the 1am downage at aff.net should be over now, so I'm gonna go and read more fanfictions for shows I don't like. I'm done the dragonball z ones..now I'm reading yu-gi-oh. dammit, boredom sucks. ^-^

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

Boring Life - 2013-01-17
not mine after all - 2012-09-03
Yeah. Right. - 2011-04-05
alone - 2011-02-15
zombie diary - 2010-08-03