How Things Are 2005-04-27 - 12:06 a.m.

which is more sad, reading fanfictions for shows you don't know, or reading fanfictions for shows you know you don't like?? *shrug* both are pretty sad, I just haven't really got an idea as to which is MORE pathetic....

My sister turns 19 on friday. and I turn 21 eight days later. eeee...its all craziness. if any of my friends still read this, I'm having my party on the 14th, 5pm. is all drinky, so bring alcohol. lotta my work friends gonna be there, not the school bunch like previous years, but I'd love for them to come..I just gotta remember to invite them! meh.

My life away from work consists of reading smutty fanfiction, and watching my hampster sleep.

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

Boring Life - 2013-01-17
not mine after all - 2012-09-03
Yeah. Right. - 2011-04-05
alone - 2011-02-15
zombie diary - 2010-08-03