NERD ME! 2003-11-25 - 12:17 a.m.

whoo whoo whoo.....yeah. Added Boy Meets Boy to my linkies.

We've been having fun with Ashly comic references at work. For the Record, Jay is a Treefrog. thats right. Treefrog. Jen agrees. *laugh* and when I'm really annoyed at him (or he's out insulted me...which is usually WHY I'm annoyed at him), he's the bottom tree frog.

anyways, my shifts for this week are .... well, Tues - 6:30-3, wed - 3-cl, thurs - off, fri - 3-cl, sat - 3-cl, sun - off.

Oliver asked if I wanted to be in his documentary on nerds. I agreed to it. because I am one. there is no denying. But I LIKE being a nerd. I must, because I like myself. so, I must like being a nerd, right?

I spent Saturday night and Sunday at my dad's. i discovered the fatal flaw in mixing gas fireplaces with hockey games. ...I missed the last ten minutes of the game. I was all curled up in fron of the fireplace (on the floor), with my blanket under my head...all cozy, comfy in a sweater, jeans and my jersey...and fell asleep. I was so warm and comfy, I just fell asleep. not fast asleep, just a little nap, but still! it was enough to miss the end of the game!
but i had a fun weekend.

Tonight, I got kidnapped to go hang out with Jen, Jason and Chris. They had coffee, I had listerine pocket pack filmy things. More people showed up. We hung out. It kicked arse. pretty much.

*grin* I have fun!

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

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