Adventures in Loserdom 2004-08-31 - 12:57 a.m.

heh. pretty much all my buddy list is dead. and I'm not here too much anymore either. its kinda sad. I gotta find some way to save all this. I realized recently that quite a few years of my life are on here. maybe not in great personal detail (or so diary reviews seemed to think..I'm too trivial for them....geez...don't they understand? I'm just a trivial person....sorry..I'll never forgive for that), but there's still ALOT that is important to me. I'd save it and put in on disc, but discs from my computer...tend not to it would be pointless. stupid computer. *pout* sadness.

anyways, the reason I actually am updating was to say...fanfiction can be really...wrong...and really sweet at the same time....and dear god do I love mpreg stories. yessir. they are...heaven, I would have to say.
...don't tell anyone, but I've completed a plot plan for an mpreg fanfic....that I maybe shall write. ..GW, just in case anyone cared what fandom.yeah....I'm kinda sad and pathetic....but you all love me. I know it. I can smell it on ur breath.

and on that note of insanity, I'm outtie!! have some good timings!! till next adventures, Ashley Out!!

lub, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

Boring Life - 2013-01-17
not mine after all - 2012-09-03
Yeah. Right. - 2011-04-05
alone - 2011-02-15
zombie diary - 2010-08-03