Four Feet of Foam...and a little whine\ 2004-06-19 - 2:46 p.m.

hello. its time for me to once again let you know I'm not dead. just..really nothing much happening. though this past week has been pretty fun. On monday, I had to work a different shift, for the first time in ages and ages. and I was pretty peeved about it. Plus, Music Bingo is no more. so I was pretty peeved about that too...but I ended up having so much fun that day!! They let me off work early, cuz it was dead, and I had about an hour and a half before I had to meet jen and andrea and everyone, so I walked across to chapters, and bought some more manga (*grin* yes. I'm pathetic), then I met up with Tron and we walked to Value Village to wait for Andrea and Jen. Went to Rendezvous, walkedout whe they told us no more music bingo. Had dinner at Subway. Then went ot Liquid. *girn* there was four feet of foam to dance in!! *smiles happily* I had a BLAST!! but I had to leave early, since i had to be at work at 5 the next morning. *rolls eyes* stupid damn alarm peoples! because they had to come at 5 to turn of the alarm attatched to the fire supression system, so that the guy coming in at 6 to test the system didn't set of the alarm when he turned off the I sat there for an hour with nothing to do. Well, not nothing..I did finish up the night befores paperwork. and read stories. *grin* Then on Wednesday, I went to NV with jen and tron and jay and erica and jessy and it was fun. all in all it was a pretty good week. I've been in a pretty good mood most of the week too, which is truly bizzare, since I have had my dot since tuesday morning. but i've been the most cheerful I've been in awhile. eh. I think I'm just a bit weird.

and now, I'm sitting here, listening to GnR, with my feet asleep. and I haven't read any stories so far today (not counting the part of today that happened before I went to sleep.


I don't know why mum and leelu always act so upset that I'm a little anti social with them. I mean, HOw am I supposed ot join in their conversations?? all they talk about really is work (they both work for Rona, though different stores..but they know alot of the same people, cuz mum USED to work at leelu's store), or Leelu's baseball. I know nothing of either. I can't really join in, now can I?? Baseball bores me, so I don't watch Leelu ever, and I don't know really any of the people they talk about from work, or the work systems they use....really. when thats all they talk about, how can they get upset that I don't join in, and just read my stories, or watch my shows??Its not like I CAN join in. blah.

okay, I think thats as much as ur gonna get out of me today. ^-^ I think I'll read some stories, then I'll maybe watch some more Gundam Wing. ^-^

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

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