hell ya! 2004-03-09 - 4:15 p.m.

I failed with the cheese. I got only halfway through. *grumble* thats a lotta cheese, I tell you.

damn epi 10 taking so fucking long!! graaah!!!! ...I do however have epi 15..dunno why. cuz it dl-ed really nice and quickly? meh. not watching it yet, of course, but I HAVE it. yaygome.

I have a belt now, so my pants don't fall down all the time. yayhuzzah!! and tomorrow I hanging with Tron-man! yayhuzzah!! we're gonna watch epi 9. *laugh* I'm going to memorize that epi!

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

Boring Life - 2013-01-17
not mine after all - 2012-09-03
Yeah. Right. - 2011-04-05
alone - 2011-02-15
zombie diary - 2010-08-03