I'm a WAAAAAATERMELON! 2003-10-19 - 5:46 p.m.

so, Ashley's schedule for this week (as she can remember it, so not overly precise) = Mon - off, tues - open (proceeding to getting ditched by Oliver. I figure if I plan for it, I'm less disapointed when it happens.), Wed - close (preceded by driving test which we plan to fail), thurs - off, fri - ..actually, no clue. either open or close..think I open.but really, kinda lost. Sat - 11-7:30, sun - 12- 8:30.

but yeah. Couldn't do Wednesday on Friday either. Disapointment again. so this way, if I'm planning on getting ditched I can't be disapointed, because it will fit right it with my plans, right??
and same deal with the passing of the driving test.

And don't I have SHITTY shifts for next weekend? yeah. I work all weekend. And its not even supervisor shifts. I don't mind working all weekend for supervisor shifts, because it means we short supervisors. We're never short cashiers so badly that you have to give a supervisor such shifts on a WEEKEND. Most of our cashiers are weekend staff. Its just ridiculous.

On the home side, Loki took a shit with his MOUTH today. Okay, technically I guess he puked, but it looked like shit.
I realize this was not the most pleasant topic. Why did I use it?

I'd like somebody to go shopping with me. Either tomorrow or Thurs. Earlier in the day. Anybody?

Anybody READ this?? *laugh* yeah.

luv, Me

the thot before ^-^ the thot after

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